Fire Suppression

Electrical malfunction, dust, tear, rust and several unexpected situations can start fire,

Fires mostly start at the blind side of operators. These fires, no matter how small, are capable of causing deadly injuries to human life – or serious damage to machines, equipment and facilities.

The downtime of equipment and facilities makes the companies lose huge sums of money through unproductive work hours, purchase of new equipment or repair works and even company goodwill in some cases.

Taking precautionary measures to mitigate these unforeseen fire situations is the best way to safeguard human life, equipment, and your facilities.

Contact us to protect you from fire.
We use the best fire suppression systems on the market, Chemours FM-200 and the AFFF systems – plus we boast of highly trained professional technical staff with many years of experience who are ever ready to give you expert advice 24/7